Can we stop doing this?
Gah, it happened again.
That end-of-year, holiday season frenzy got a hold of me and for the past two weeks I have been running around like a headless chicken, trying to get everything on my to-do list done, while frantically adding new things to it (because, MORE!) … all before the clock strikes twelve on that fateful last day of the year.
Thank god for a loving husband, colleagues, and friends who recognized what was going on, invited me to slow down, take a deep breath, “drink this wine!”, and reminded me that most things don’t actually have to get done before I shut down my work for the year.
If you’re still with me, I’m guessing that either -
A - You received one of those frantic emails from me over the past few weeks (sorry!) and are thinking “ah, that explains it!
B- The year-end madness has also gotten its claws into you, and you’re grateful for the virtual company.
If it’s B, may I offer us some gentle reminders as we lead ourselves and others through this time of year
It’s not our fault. We are all frayed after a hard couple of years. Our nervous systems are not meant to endure prolonged periods of stress and under these conditions, we can be quick to react or launch into control mode.
Yet as leaders, our energy matters. It ripples out to those around us, permeates our work, and shapes the cultures we’re constantly co-creating with others. Leading from a place of urgency means that we will miss opportunities to include, collaborate, and share power with others and prevents us from slowing down to the speed at which real transformational change occurs.
Doing more ≠ better leadership. We’re programmed to think that our value at work (or hell, in life!) resides in our to-do list. When we are getting shit done, we’re winning. But this mindset is running us ragged, and ragged leadership is not what our world needs right now.
There is a different way to lead. While the madness swirls around us and 99% of people keep following the old, broken rules, we can choose to lead in a way that is more natural, collaborative, ease-ful, AND impactful.
Curious to learn how you can lead more like this in 2022? (and maybe thinking it sounds too good to be true…?)
This is where the frenzied me would invite you to sign-up for a free workshop I’m hosting in January: The Nonprofit Leadership Myth: 3 Easy Ways to Accelerate Your Impact, Without Burning Out.
She’d tell you to Hurry! Space is limited! Reserve your spot NOW!!
But none of that is true. There’s enough space for all of you, and you’ll have a couple of weeks to sign-up in January. So, I’ll save the invite and deets for then.
Because I’d rather give you one less thing to do this year, and instead take these last few moments of your time to express my heartfelt gratitude. Thank you for being you, for being here in this community, and for the incredible work you lead - inside and out of your organization.
Wishing you and yours a joyful holiday season.
See you on the flip side!